Insitu Recordings

Insitu Recordings



Open Albums (Growing Playlists)

Insitu Sessions Volume 3

Compilation of works performed at the December 12th 2016 Insitu Session at Batuan Resto, Desa Batuan, Kab. Gianyar, Bali.
The third volume in our ongoing Insitu Sessions series includes 11 new works recorded at Batuan Resto in Desa Batuan and presented here in video format. Pieces range from experimental sonic explorations like I Made Arsa Wijaya’s Skala #2 to more enduring styles like I Nyoman Triana Putra’s Sukasih. Across the release numerous gamelan ensembles are represented and in some cases artists have even combined instruments and tunings to form entirely new ones. Highlights include Arik Wirawan’s Maju Mundur, performed on his unique iron seven-tone diatonic Gamelan Pesel, and I Gede Yudi Dananjaya’s Wed, which combines instruments from multiple ensembles, including the seven-tone selonding and gambang.
Also available on CD and DVD in select locations. Contact us for details.
Imprint: Explorasi
Released: 2017/03/04
Length: 75 minutes

Track Details

1. Maju Mundur
Our path in life cannot be separated from the element of dualism. It influences how we make choices and sort every aspect of our lives. Most hope for progress (maju), but there are also more than a few that look to the past (mundur). Maju (forward) and mundur (backward) have become familiar words and they also inspire this work. This work is performed on instruments from the Gamelan Pesel, including reong, 2 gong, and 3 kempur.
Composer: I Wayan Arik Wirawan (Arik Kesiman)
Reong: I Nyoman Ari Setiawan, I Ketut Adi Wirawan, I Wayan Srutha Wiguna (Srutha), I Putu Adi Partha
Gongs: I Nyoman Yuda Pertama Putra , I Gede Yudi Krisnajaya
2. Bebas Berpendapat
Bebas Berpendapat” (free thought) means that there are no limits to our opinions. No one else should be able to prohibit speech because we have a right to freedom of expression. With refined thoughts, opinions can be designed and expressed as desired.
Composer: I Wayan Adi Darmawan (Yan Adi)
Musicians: Agus Suteja, Ni Komang Wulandari, Ni Ketut Fenty, I Wayan Budi Hartawan
3. Abu Masuk Tanah (Heart’s Contents)
Old stone to new building, old timber to new fires, Old fire to ashes, and ashes to the earth Which is already flesh, fur and faeces, Bone of man and beast, cornstalk and leaf – excerpt from East Coker, by T.S. Eliot Abu Masuk Tanah (Heart’s Contents) was written with much help from Isis Wolf-Light, and would not have been possible without I Made Subandi’s gracious lending of space, time, and instruments.
Composer: Justin Ronald Devries
Musicians: Isis Wolf-Light, Sarah Lecompte-Bergeron, Laurent Bellemare, Cordey Lopez, Justin Ronald Devries
4. Gerhana
Solar and lunar eclipses (gerhana) are an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when a celestial object moves into the shadow of another celestial body. This phenomenon inspired this work of instrumental music for four instruments from a gamelan semarandana, two gangsa and two kantilan.
Composer: I Wayan Angga Mahardika (Angga)
Gangsa: A.A Aditya Perdana Putra, I Gusti Bagus Wahyu Parmadi
Kantil: I Wayan Wibawa Putra, Made Dwi Eka Buana Putra
5. Awal Mulai
The beginning (awal) is the introduction to the start (mulai) to pursue.
Composer: I Made Yogi Antara (Yogik)
Musicians: I Made Ari Mahaputra, I Made Dwi Jarsana, I Made Aridanta Wedasmara, I Made Yogi Antara
6. Karna Antaka
This piece is inspired by the figure of Karna in the epic Mahabharata, a generous philanthropist who upholds the values of ksatria. These values drove him to become the leader of the Kauravas army during the battle of Bharatayuda. Antaka means to die—to die for the sake of the people’s welfare defending against adharma, or wiliness to die for dharma. In Sanskrit, karna also means ear and it is our ears that give us the capacity to perceive music. Orthodox cultural assimilation makes the function of Karna/ear Anataka/die. The dominance of visual hyperbole combined with the arrogance and politics of music are minimized in order to maximize answers about the essence of baleganjur as music/architecture of sound.
Composer: I Nyoman Resa Angga Nurbawa (Mang Angga)
Kendang: I Wayan Armawan, I Gede Eka Jaya Kusuma
Reong: I Nyoman Resa Angga Nurbawa, I Putu Ayong Crisnanda Wahyu Kusuma, I Wayan Ari Widyantara (Arik Pejeng), I Wayan Suardiana Putra
Ponggang: I Made Ananta Kusuma, I Ketut Agus Darmayasa
Ceng-Ceng: I Wayan Yudi Arta, I Made Adi Prayoga Adi Astawa, I Wayan Situbanda (Banda), I Kadek Agus Pusaka Adi Putra, I Komang Winantara (Mangwin), I Putu Wahyu Andika, I Made Ola Ade Darma, I Wayan Gede Surya Adi Putra
Kajar: Pande Kadek Ega Sasdicka
Kempli: I Wayan Bayu Alantara
Bebende: I Kadek Saras Putra
Kempur: A.A. Gede Agung Semara Bawa
Gong: I Kadek Arsana
7. Skala #2
A musical composition realized using the seven-tone tingklik and arranged with the concept of minimalist music. The technique of metingkadan, used by the kuntung instrument in the jegog ensemble, is performed by two players who play the same rhythmic pattern. However, an interlocking rhythm is achieved when their parts are executed with the help of two metronome that provide each player with a different tempo.
Composer: I Made Arsa Wijaya (Wawan)
Musicians: I Gede Yogi Sukawiadnyana, I Komang Wahyu Yastawan Putra
8. Ke “Dik”
Dik” is an abbreviation for be-dik (a little). Sekaa means group, but Seke Bedik means little by little. Therefore, I imagine Seke Bedik might refer to a group that consists of a few people. The word “ke” can mean to proceed (menuju) and “dik” can mean younger brother (adik), which is what this composer is called at home. In this work Rudy sought his own identity within the context of art and gamelan. Another aim was to realize his imagination as expressed by two rindik.
Composer: I Putu Rudy Arthana (Rudy)
Musicians: I Wayan Partayasa, I Wayan Agus Septiawan
9. Sukasih
Sukasih is a combination of suksma (thank you; Balinese) and terima kasih (thank you; Bahas Indonesia). In this life we must be grateful for our successes, whether it be for those we achieved on our own, or through the help of others. As social beings we need to support each other such that we strengthen the brotherhood. Expressing gratitude has become very important to me and therefore I tried to realize it in the form of music for the selonding. I imagined mellow, refined, and cheerful melodies. I also did not forget to thank the people who were willing to help me in realizing this work, including the people I borrowed gamelan instruments from and the friends and supporters who were willing to take the time needed to participate in learning the song. I also did not forget to express gratitude to Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, who provides power to everything I want to achieve.
Composer: I Nyoman Triana Putra (Mang Jaran)
Ensemble: Selonding
Petuduh: I Nyoman Triana Putra
Nyongnyong Ageng: Putu Wahyu Candra Paradipta
Nyongnyong Alit: Putu Agus Astawa
Gong: Made Imbang Duta Mahardika
Kempul: Kadek Dwi Kandita
Kecek: I Kadek Diva Satya Kumara
10. Wed
Ignorance provides a variety of interpretations. These interpretations create a dilemma between the one that is closest to the original intent and those that are achieved carelessly. Who knows? It doesn’t matter, conscience will give us meaning.
Composer: I Gede Yudi Dananjaya (Yudik)
Musicians: I Made Dwi Rustika Manik, I Wayan Yudi Artha, I Wayan Dibya Adi Guna, I Putu Wahyu Andika, I Gede Ngurah Dipo Sentana Putra, I Made Bayu Puser Bumi, I Putu Riangga Budi Pramana
11. Bercengkrama
Berawal dari sebuah proses yang dimana proses tersebut bertujuan untuk mewujudkan suatu impian yang diinginkan. Selama berproses banyak masalah yang terjadi selama proses itu berlangsung, dari masalah tersebut maka diperlukan adanya diskusi untuk mencari solusi untuk mencari jalan keluar dari masalah-masalah yang terjadi dalam suatu proses tersebut. Dalam diskusi tersebut banyak topik yang dibahas terkait dengan masalah yang terjadi di dalam proses tersebut dan pada akhirnya nemu titik akhir dari hasil diskusi yang menjadi solusi dari permasalahan yang terjadi. Setelah mendapatkan solusi dari masalah dalam proses itu, maka terjadi suatu pengalihan pembicaraan-pembicaraan menjadi suatu perbincangan dengan banyak topik yang dibicarakan namun tujuannya bukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah lagi, melainkan topik itu hanyalah sebatas pembicaraan semata atau omong kosong yang tidak ada arah dan tujuan yang pasti. Dari pembicaraan semata atau omong kosong yang tidak ada arah dan tujuan yang pasti tersebut komposer terinspirai untuk membuat suatu karya musik dimana musik tersebut terdapat banyak pola yang dimainkan namun isiannya kosong seperti halnya orang yang bercengkrama dengan banyak topik namun di dalamnya hanyalah omong kosong. Dari ide tersebut komposer mencoba menuangkan ide tersebut ke dalam sebuah barungan suling dengan penataan seperti layaknya orang berbicara silih berganti yang tidak ada tujuan yang pasti yang diberi judul “BERCENGKRAMA”
Composer: I Wayan Agus Budiarta Yasa (Yan Genyol)
Penyaji Karya: Semeton Suling Candra Semara
Anggota: I Nyoman Tri Wahyidi, I Made Widiarta, I Wayan Aditya Baskaram, I Putu Supariawan, I Kadek Sania Putra, I Wayan Somantara, I Gst. Ngurah Made Sundarananda, I Putu Wira Andika, I Gst. Ngurah Angga Saputra, Ni Made Tantri Damayanti, I Nyoman Sumaryawan, I Gst. Alit Febriana Putra, I Putu Gede Bismantara, I Gede Arista Yudisthira, I Komang Kartika Kencana Putra, I Komang Kariana

Special Thanks

Special thanks to the owner of Batuan Resto: I Ketut Arsana.

Production Credits

Recording session coordinator(s): I Komang Pasek Wijaya (Pasex)
Recording date(s): 2016/12/11
Recording location(s): Batuan Resto, Desa Batuan, Kab. Gianyar, Bali
Audio recording: Jonathan Adams, I Putu Gede Sukaryana (Balot)
Video recording: Jonathan Adams, I Putu Gede Sukaryana (Balot)
Crew: Yan Priya Kumara Janardhana (Janu), I Putu Arya Deva Suryanegara (Arya), I Komang Winantara (Mangwin), I Putu Ayong Crisnanda Wahyu Kusuma
Audio mixing: Jonathan Adams
Audio mastering: Jonathan Adams
Video editing: I Putu Gede Sukaryana (Balot)
Photography: Jonathan Adams
Cover art: Jonathan Adams